

Meiji Shrine (明治神宮) 360° Movie

Meiji Shrine (明治神宮), located in Shibuya, Tokyo, is the Shinto shrine that is dedicated to the deified spirits of Emperor Meiji and his wife, Empress Shōken.The shrine does not contain the emperor's grave, which is located at Fushimi-momoyama south of Kyoto.


"Nishiki-Goi" is a typical fish of Japan. They have a colorful body, it is prized as an ornamental.
Essential to "Nishiki-Goi" in the Japanese garden. "Nishiki-Goi" is a beautiful fish, be expensive. Expensive "Nishiki-Goi" is the price of more than 1 million yen in one fish.
In Japan is the impression that has been breed in wealthy family.